Thursday, July 29, 2010

day 67 grant village, WY 0 miles

Mike got up this AM with a pretty serious ache on one of his ankles so we're laying low today hoping it will recover enough so we can head to West Yellowstone tomorrow - not exactly the day off we had envisioned here at the park.

Have learned that a grizzly went a rampage last night up near the NE corner of the park, we are far from there thank goodness! Besides, everyone knows bears don,t care for cyclists, we're much too tough and sinewy.

Weather beautiful, although we did have a brief T-storm rumble through here last night after we had retired to our tent. Yellowstone has made a beautiful green recovery since the fires of 1988, when we last vacationed here with my brother Chris and his kids (remember Hostel X and Stephen Hawkins on the walkie talkies?) things looked much more bleak.


  1. Shack_a_doodle dooJuly 29, 2010 at 2:21 PM

    An ache on his ankle? And scared of grizzly bears? The "old" Mike would have put a hobble on that bear and kicked him in the butt while turning him out to pasture.

    Wow ... what ever happened to "Farm Tough?" :D

  2. You didn't detour around to stay at Hostel X? Maybe on the ride back. Don't try to milk any of
    the bison.


  3. Did you say bear! BEAR!!! - Mel
