Saturday, July 31, 2010

day 68 Madison Jct,, Yellowstone NP, WY 39 mi

woke up in Grant Village, still with bad pain in my ankle. After a few hours and breakfast, decided to try to make it to a medical clinic at Old Faithful (21 miles and 2 crossings of the continental divide later). Suprisingly, my ankle felt better after a while, and the Physician's Assistant at Old Faithful diagnosed me with "carpal tunnel" of the foot, and said there was no reason I couldn't keep riding. She recommended soaking it in cold water each day after the ride and taking an Alleve each night before bed to keep the swelling down. While waiting to she her, Old Faithful blew and I was able t0 get a picture of it from a distance.

Had plans on making it to West Yellowstone today, but after calling ahead to get prices on campgrounds and hotels, we decided to stop at the NP campground in Madison JCt. rather than take out a second mortgage on our house.

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