Sunday, July 25, 2010

day 63 Lander to Dubois 72 miles

Extremely exhausting day!! 3000 feet of climbing plus a tough headwind the last 30 miles. Due to non - existent services, we couldn't make the day any shorter. 8 hours in the saddle makes for two very sore butts.

As we approached Dubois we were flanked by some beautiful red mountains. We also passed Crowheart Butte which looked like a volcano.

We caught up with Dave and Carol who are camping next to us at the Longhorn campground next to the wind river.


  1. Hey Mike and Steph,

    Great going. You must be ready for a nice hot spring by now! DO NOT miss Boiling River in Yellowstone. It is in the NW corner of the park, just South of Gardner, MT.

    Steve, myself, and Eric have spent many an hour lounging in that spring.

    DIRECTIONS from NPS website:

    The parking area for the spring is near a sign north of where the road crosses the Gardner River that marks the 45th parallel of latitude. The 45th parallel is an imaginary line that circles the globe halfway between the equator and the North Pole. This same line passes through Minneapolis-St. Paul, Ottawa, Bordeaux, Venice, Belgrade, and the northern tip of the Japanese islands. It is, here in Yellowstone, roughly aligned with the Montana-Wyoming border.

    A little distance south of the sign, a parking area on the east side of the road is used by bathers in the "Boiling River." Bathers must walk upstream about a half mile from the parking area to the place where the footpath reaches the river. This spot is also marked by large clouds of steam, especially in cold weather. Here, a large hot spring, known as Boiling River, enters the Gardner River. The hot and the cold water mix in pools along the river's edge. Bathers are allowed in the river during daylight hours only. Bathing suits are required, and no alcoholic beverages are allowed. Boiling River is closed in the springtime due to hazardous high water and often does not reopen until mid-summer.

  2. Nothing like that wide open Wyoming countryside. The winds are supposed to be lighter out of the north tomorrow and the Tetons will be awesome. I loved the loaded recumbent.
